Wednesday, April 21, 2010


H a L a u g h t e r H A h a l a u g h t e r H a h L a u g h t e r H A h l a u g h t e r

Like angels urinating, great hilarity tickles eternal regions.
Affects usual: gasping, huffing, tearing, erupting rigolatry... Laughter.
Until, good heavens, the end's reached, laugh Alot.
Great humor, truth entrenched, relates-real life-lessons arguably Universal.
Happiness through enjoyment requires lifting all up: God/humanity...
Together, everyone reeling, lettin'loose almost uncontrollable giggles, Heehee!
Expect randomness, like an ugly golfing hat... Teehee! (Get it!?:)
Remember; laugh adventurously, use grace, have tact... Enjoy!
Laugh alot until, good heavens, the end's Reached.

H a
L a u g h t e r H A h a l a u g h t e r H a h L a u g h t e r H A h l a u g h t e r

1 comment:

  1. i don't know why nobody has commented on this yet. but i remember you reading it to us and it was brilliant then as it still is now. good work my friend. good work.
